Monday, April 25, 2011

Foot: Compare / Contrast Entry

Text and Dialogue: The narration in Naruto was right to left, which made this extremely confusing to interpret. The narration in Pinocchio was the best narration I have ever read in a graphic novel, it flowed according to the exact same rules of western reading. In both of the graphic novels they used balloons to express, however in Naruto they used balloons and just put text in the background. There were some captions in Naruto, but only balloons in Pinocchio. There was emanata in Naruto to show different emotions, none in Pinocchio. There were no labels or signs in Pinocchio, but in Naruto there was a sign to say where to begin reading on each page. The lettering was all the same in Pinocchio, it looked to be comic sans, the lettering was uniform in Naruto, but the emanata had many different fonts. Both of the graphic novels had sound effects written in text outside of balloons to show physical actions.

Visual Features: The visual features in Pinocchio were much better than those in Naruto. All of the characters in Pinocchio were unique and very different from each other, and more importantly represented some type of person from Italian history. All of the characters in Naruto looked the same, with the exception of the antagonist. The objects in Pinocchio varied from scene to scene, in most of the Naruto scenes characters don't have objects because the scene is focusing on the facial expression of the character. In Naruto a headband seems to be a n importnat icon that all characters posses, in Pinocchio the wooden spears that the puppets have is a constant icon. The first page of Naruto has an excellent scenery, then it just goes back and forth from characters' faces, the scenery in Pinocchio changes from scene to scene, at the end the illustrator does an excellent job drawing the ocean, also they do a great job drawing the different parts of Italian cities. The depicted action in both of these graphic novels was fighting, but I think all of the different facial expression could be classified as depicted actions.

General Layout and Design: The borders in both of these graphic novels are strait thin lines, These graphic novels also both comprised of mainly scenes with borders and white gutters, but in both graphic novels there are about three or four pages that have a dark background that fills in the gutters. Both graphic novels only used squares and rectangles for panels, Pinocchio had better spacing of panels so that it all looked in sync. Both graphic novels opened up with open panels and had open panels near the end, But Naruto definitely had many more open panels, I enjoy the open panel scenes, they are quite artistic and interesting to look at. Both of the graphic novels used splashes, Pinocchio more than Naruto.

Angles and Frames: The bleed was never used in Pinocchio, because although there were splashes, the action never went into the next page. The bleed was used in all open panels in Naruto. Pinochio used close ups sparingly, whereas Naruto used close ups of characters faces to tell the whole story. Pinocchio used more head shots, head-shoulder shots, and full figure shots to shows the characters' emotions to move the story along. Of course Naruto had head shots, head shoulder shots, and full figure shots, but mainly it was close ups. The longshot an extreme longshot was used in the beginning of Naruto, and the end of Pinocchio, it is meant to introduce the audience to a new setting or to say goodbye to setting. The reverse was used sparingly in both of the graphic novels.

Rhetorical Techniques applied in text, visuals, and design: Both of these graphic novels use exaggeration, I think all graphic novels do, but Naruto uses exaggeration much more than Pinocchio. In Naruto the audience is suppose to identify with the main character, a young defiant rabble rouser, in Pinocchio we identify with all three of the different main male characters who are longing for their respective ladies. The mood of Pinocchio is that of a vampire film, the darkness of the living dead overtures the whole story. The tone of Naruto is that of defying authority and playful ninja fun. Naruot was founded in the simplicity anime, whereas Pinocchio was a much more complex graphic novel that explored the depths of each unique character. The only symbolism I saw a lot was the wooden spears that the puppets use to kill vampires. Naruto was told completely in order, Pinocchio used flashbacks and went a bit out of order at times. There was no juxtaposition except for Naruto and Pinocchio being so much smaller than all of their opponents. The relationships in Naruot was that Naruto was looked down on ,and not thought highly of, so he defied authority, In Pinocchio our main charters was beloved by his followers and thought highly of. Both points of view were an outsider looking in.

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