Friday, April 29, 2011

Foot: How this class changed my life

Besides all of the useful and practical educational strategies that I learned in this class, I gained something I find more enjoyable than multi-modality. I don't believe it was even Miss Foot's intention, but after she showed us the first five minutes of "Lost", I was hooked. I was aware of this show while it aired, and I knew that it ended last summer. But I never had any reason to watch it. I thought it was one of those shows that got dragged on for a long time so those involved would continue to profit off of "Lost" even after it lost its original essence, and to some extent it was one of those shows, but in the beginning it was one of the most exciting, suspenseful ,and thought provoking shows I ever saw. The different characters all brought something to the table, except Shannon, and in the beginning the show had a great focus, and begged excellent questions. "Lost" originally dealt with the idea of tabla rossa, blank slate, the idea that everyone can start over, and when these individuals came to the island they were starting over. Then there was the issue of science versus faith, John Locke against Jack Shepard. The was the story line went back in time was great for about the first two seasons. The only real complaint I have with the show is the time travel storyline, and the Desmond storyline, these two story lines have nothing to do with the main characters and the stories surrounding them, the writers only introduced these characters and phenomenons to be able to pump out 20 episodes a season,and keep getting paid. Nevertheless, I love this show, it was better in the beginning, but most shows are, I am about to start the last season now that I'm done with this post. Hopefully it all comes together in a faishon deserving of a show of its caliber.

1 comment:

  1. So I have to admit that I stopped reading this post when I got to the time travel part because that is exactly the episode I am on, and I am afraid to read further down the page because I don't want to ruin anything for myself. I too am watching Lost. When it was on, I watched till about the first 3rd of season three and then I just stopped. It is kind of funny that I had just started re-watching it a few weeks before Miss. Foot showed it in class because Katie May (I believe) was talking about it in class.

    I really enjoyed watching it in Foot's class because we got to dissect the different things like lighting, sound, etc. This viewing method has stuck with me while continuing to watch it. While at first I thought that watching something in this much detail would ruin it, the complete opposite is true. It has really added a lot more meaning to the show and many other things I have watched since then. For this reason, I really think it would be a good thing to do in a high school classroom, and I plan to try it out when I become a teacher.

    Now that I read this post, I really want to watch the next episode on Netflix.... this is going to really be detrimental to me homework and motivation ; )
