Friday, April 1, 2011

Foot:Pleasure Reading

This spring break me and five of my friends went down to Eden, North Carolina and went on a 4 day/ 3 night canoeing/camping trip. We covered 60 miles altogether over the 4 days, it was an amazing experience, I've done this twice before on the Green River in Kentucky and the Shoal Run in Tennessee, I love going into the wilderness for a couple days, it makes you really appreciate how good we have it nowadays. Whenever I go on one of thee trips I always bring some litterateur to read, always short stories. This year I brought "The Best American Short Stories of 2008", and the store I read as I floated down the river and lay in my canoe was "The Year of Silence", by Kevin Brockmeier. It was about how busy the city was and how everyone was in a hurry, and then one day every one fell silent for a moment, and the people of the city realized they loved the peace and serenity, then these bouts of silence kept coming over the city, and the people would rejoice whenever they occurred. Eventually, the people tried to artificially create these bouts of silence by planning them, but they never work, someone is always making noise. The story was an interesting narrative about how we all seek rest, and I really appreciated this story after being in the woods for 4 days, getting a a bed with cushions and pillows was seriously one of the best feelings ever, we always go and stuff our faces at Cracker Barrel when we get out of the woods too, the food you eat once you get back into civilization after camping is always amazing.

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