Friday, April 29, 2011

Foot: Reflection Over the Semester

I genuinely enjoyed coming to this class over the past months. I am not a 'computer' person, I have always tried not rely on technology in my day-to-day life, so before this class I had not paid any mind to the relevance of how I am part of this new generation of students who grew up using technology. I think it was that since about 4th or 5th grade computers have been commonplace in my life, that is why I never saw the significance of using technology and multi-modal source in education. But after going through my earlier education classes and hearing little about multi-modality, multi-modal teaching strategies seemed like the education of the future. Th multi-genre autobiography caught my attention, I truly enjoyed this project and the nostalgic feelings that came with it, I had a type of realization when we began to discuss movies, music, and television as "texts'". I will use this when I get my own class because I need to open up the channels of communication with my students before I can become some who is able to motivate these students as individuals. I will use the soundtrack assignment to reach out to the class' experiences and knowledge of music. Depending on my students, I would consider creating an online discussion board for my class, I think it is innovative way to make sure students are doing the readings, but it lacks some academic rigour. I learned a lot from blogging and discussing class work online, I was so fascinated by "The History of Facebook" , how the different players involved kept turning on each other and trying to create new online ideas to manipulate our society's new found obsession with online socialization. I felt like I got a lot off of my chest with the Firestone post, it gave me a chance to talk honestly about my experiences and how I performed as a teacher and how I could grow. I changed as a pre-service educator during this semester by becoming adept to the most effective and practical multi-modal teaching strategies, I believe if I never needed to use any of the strategies or sources we review din this class, then I would be able to properly lead the class using multi-modality..

1 comment:

  1. I liked your idea of opening up the channels of communication with your future students. I think that is something this class has taught us a lot about. There are many ways to reach students. We learned about different movies, music and television shows and I'm sure there are a ton of other ways out there.
